
01.052024台灣美食展 參展業者開放報名!


黃于玲 Virginia攤位位置: C419

Miss V Bakery 負責人

曾擔任國際時尚精品行銷部資深經理,從小熱愛烘焙和烹飪,因為自身的興趣和對公益的熱忱,和從小到大的摯友創立了Miss V Bakery,提供道地的美式糕點、料理、喜餅、彌月禮盒和精緻外燴,每樣Miss V 的產品都是用做給家人吃的心情去完成,而背後更是富含著我們回饋社會做公益的心意,時時關心需要關注的弱勢團體,每個月固定提供產品或是其他形式的協助,都是希望透過甜點的力量去溫暖人心!

Virginia Huang, former senior marketing manager working for an international fashion brand. She loves to bake and cook since she was little, due to her interest in both baking and charity, after working 10 years in the marketing and PR field; she decided to start up her own bakery business with her childhood friend called Miss V Bakery. Miss V Bakery is now a popular bakery café among locals and even tourists, providing authentic American pastries and food, also they do customized wedding gift box and catering service. Miss V Bakery had been involved in all kinds of charity events, every month they give out bake goods or money to different organizations, to help out those in need is their company moto.