
01.052024台灣美食展 參展業者開放報名!


武俊傑攤位位置: C419

Mastro Restaurant Group 負責人&行政主廚、台北市南揚扶輪社副社長

Mastro Restaurant Group 行政主廚 Leo, 2014年以青年創業貸款成立Mastro內湖店, 平均每個9個月成立一家新店, 至今共有四間店鋪.

於2017年參加日本國際料理大賽於近百位來自日本, 韓國, 加拿大等國家選手中贏得金牌. 旅居洛杉磯15年, 擅長於現代美式料理.

Chef Leo Wu specialized in new American cuisine, established Mastro Restaurant in 2014, We have successfully reached our goal of opens a new store every 9 month, currently owned 4 restaurant which located in Taipei City. His signature dish “Tomahawk Pork Chop” sells more than 2 tons per month.

Leo has joined the 2017 JICC international Culinary contest in Japan, earned a gold medal in the competition of more than hundreds of contestants from all around the world.